Guide To Handling Tragedies: Processing the Information and Supporting Others
Guide To Handling Tragedies: Processing the Information and Supporting Others
When there is a tragedy in Klal Yisroel, we sometimes need to discuss it. While openly discussing it is important, we must be careful how we share it and with whom. We must be especially mindful of the dignity and sanctity of people's lives.  
Nurturing Peace Within: Our Schools
Nurturing Peace Within: Our Schools
Bullying is a harmful experience that can cause long-lasting damage to a child's development. Although the physical or verbal abuse may be brief, the emotional trauma can persist for a long time. Schools can combat this issue by implementing effective programs that support and guide both the
Nurturing Peace Within: Our Marriages
Nurturing Peace Within: Our Marriages
Our experience with teens, young adults, and families who seek our guidance clearly demonstrates that the community at largeis struggling to maintain a sense of peace within themselves and within their homes. For this reason, we will provide several weeks of inspiration to foster better
Nurturing Peace Within: The Community
Nurturing Peace Within: The Community
Our experience with teens, young adults, and families who seek our guidance clearly demonstrates that the community at largeis struggling to maintain a sense of peace within themselves and within their homes. For this reason, we will provide several weeks of inspiration to foster better
Nurturing Peace Within: Relationships
Nurturing Peace Within: Relationships
Our experience with teens, young adults, and families who seek our guidance clearly demonstrates that the community at largeis struggling to maintain a sense of peace within themselves and within their homes. For this reason, we will provide several weeks of inspiration to foster better
Nurturing Peace Within: The Classroom
Nurturing Peace Within: The Classroom
Our experience with teens, young adults, and families who seek our guidance clearly demonstrates that the community at largeis struggling to maintain a sense of peace within themselves and within their homes. For this reason, we will provide several weeks of inspiration to foster better
Nurturing Peace Within: The Home
Nurturing Peace Within: The Home
Our experience with teens, young adults, and families who seek our guidance clearly demonstrates that the community at largeis struggling to maintain a sense of peace within themselves and within their homes. For this reason, we will provide several weeks of inspiration to foster better
Creating Shalom Bayis Between Parents and Child
Creating Shalom Bayis Between Parents and Child
The word ‘shalom’ is incredibly valued in the Hebrew language. ‘Shalom’ can mean hello, goodbye, and peace, which is the meaning I am going to concentrate on here. The value of peace in the Jewish religion is of such importance that the word ‘shalom’ is also
Current Events and Chanukah- A Message of Contradictions
Current Events and Chanukah- A Message of Contradictions
The Chanukah season is really a time of contradictions. Winter has just started, it gets dark early, the weather has turned cold and rainy. Depression and anxiety are on the rise during the dark winter season. The school year is in full swing bringing a barrage of tests and homework. In fact, about
How To Respond To The Effects Of Operation Iron Sword: A Practical Guide For Parents & Educators
How To Respond To The Effects Of Operation Iron Sword: A Practical Guide For Parents & Educators
Signs & Symptoms - (Emotional and Physical) -  Children's Reaction By Age -  Risk Factors -  What You Can Do For Your Children/Yourself -  More Health Resources  
Seize the Moment
Seize the Moment
Seize the Moment: Utilizing Rosh Hashana To Its Fullest By Rabbi Dov Silver, Founder & Executive Vice President, Madraigos   As we wind down the current year and think ahead to the upcoming year, who among us doesn’t have deep feelings of hope and awe. We look back at the past
Summer Fun
Summer Fun
Summer..Fun? Mindi Werblowsky Saketkhou, LCSW, Clinical Director, Madraigos Shavuos is over. And with the last yom tov of the year behind us the final countdown to summer vacation has begun. ‘Summer fun’. Camp, swimming, sun, parks, ball… everything you imagine when you think
Handling The Summertime Blues
For most of us, “Summer” conjures up a warm nostalgic feeling accompanied by good memories. As youngsters, we couldn´t wait until summertime arrived. It was the countdown to summer that kept most of us going, enduring the sometimes difficult and mundane times. Unfortunately for
Weathering the Storm of Parenting
I once heard a quote, “The apple doesn’t fall from the tree… except when there is a storm outside.” This seems to be an appropriate way to describe parenting today. How do we parent in a day and age when the world outside is trying with all their might to grab our children away from us?